是視窗基礎(Window based)開發表格符號辨識軟體的全球領先軟體,
由威貿與PRINCIPIA公司開發完成.目前在全球已被廣泛的應用在各個領域,諸如企業人資/行政/品管/教育訓練, 學校/學術機構, 醫療/醫院, 普查/市調,
搏弈/彩卷...等任何需要符號變式的領域. 閱卷王彈性的客製化表格符號辨識,提供了各個領域的最佳的適應性應用.
台灣閱卷王之   網路問卷調查軟體
Web SurveyR software(網路問卷調查軟體)
will help you create and administer online surveys, evaluations, registrations, guest books, ballots, information request forms, and anything else that will pull in some really useful information. And you don't have to learn HTML to do it. Web Survey makes it easy and affordable for anyone to create, publish and gather results from online forms.
Web Survey Software Overview
If you want to gather information from the World Wide Web quickly and easily, Web Survey is the solution for you. With Web Survey, you can create online surveys, evaluations, registrations, guest books, etc., for the Internet or an Intranet, without knowing any HTML.
Web Survey has two easy-to-use components. Use the Designer Component to create your web forms. Then use the Server Component to administer forms and collect the data.
If you use Web Survey in conjunction with OMR (台灣閱卷王) , the form processing and tabulation software products from Gravic, you can convert your paper-based forms into online forms, and combine the results. Then analyze the data right in Web Survey.
Creating Web Surveys
You can use Web Survey to create web-based forms from scratch with an easy-to-use Form Wizard, or from paper-based forms by converting Office OMR or Classic OMR templates into web forms with the click of a mouse.
Customizing Your Web Survey Form
Once you've generated your online form, you can customize it by adding graphics, lines, text labels, colors, fonts, tables and much more. Each form element is presented within a tree-view construct to allow convenient navigation and access to all form properties. You can easily create and apply styles to your forms for sharp designs.
Posting the Web Survey Form
Once you have created your form in the Designer component, use the simple automatic upload feature in Web Survey to place the form on your web site. There are no hosting fees to worry about- the form resides on your own web site, under your control.
Retrieving the Data
Once the form submissions start rolling in, use Web Survey's automatic download feature to retrieve the data. You can view, download and delete data at any time. You can even have the submissions emailed directly to you.
Using the Data
Once you have downloaded the data, you can export it to most spreadsheets, databases, and statistical software packages. Or, analyze the data instantly in Web Survey's statistical module, Quick StatsR. Tabulate a survey or grade a test with the click of the mouse. Then produce graphs and charts of your results, which can all be printed and exported.
Features Highlight
1.Wizard-based interface allows for easy creation of web-based forms without having to know any HTML
2.Converts 台灣閱卷王 template files into HTML forms with the click of a mouse
3.Supports UNIX or Windows based web servers running Perl 5.004 or later
4.Allows for single or multiple response questions (radio buttons, checkboxes, and drop down lists) as well as text boxes
5.Allows you to format the survey the way you want it to look. Insert text, graphics and lines where desired. Change colors and fonts to match the design of your web site. Apply styles to an entire form quickly and easily
6.Allows you to format questions in tables, include hidden questions and specify which questions are required
7.Allows you to create hyperlinks on a form to direct respondents to another question on the form, a web page or send an email message
8.Supports the use of skip patterns, or branching, based on how questions are answered
9.Contains rich text formatting, spell check, thesaurus and more
10.Allows you to create customized success, or "thank you" pages for respondents to see upon successful form submission
11.Allows you to create Section 508 compliant forms
12.Allows for single or multi-page forms
13.Allows respondent to pause the form submission process at any point and return later for completion
14.Provides a confirmation page for respondents to view their responses
15.Allows you to create customized error messages for your respondents
16.Allows you to apply passwords to forms, and includes the ability to import a list of valid passwords
17.Contains automatic form upload feature for streamlined access to web site to post forms
18.Provides a list of respondents who have and have not completed password protected forms
19.Allows for page randomization
20.Allows for session timeouts with password protected forms for added security
21.Emails form submissions to any email address
22.Automatically downloads data
23.Produces customizable graphs of grade/tally results and statistics
24.Saves data to over 30 different file formats, including SPSS, Access, Excel, dBase, Lotus, Paradox and more
25.Easy to use Windows interface
26.Context sensitive help is available by pressing F1 in all windows
27.30 days of free technical support.
Export Formats
You can export downloaded data to virtually any spreadsheet, database or statistical package via one of the following data file formats.
(RMK),SPSS (SAV), Survey Pro (SRV), Survey System (DAT), ASCII [commas] (ASC), ASCII [tabs] (ASC), Spreadsheet [commas], Spreadsheet [tabs], Lotus 1-2-3 (WKS), Report (RPT), DIF Files (DIF), Fixed ASCII (SDF), LXR Test (MRG), Access 2000 (MDB), Access 95, 97, Access 2.0 (MDB), Access 1.1 (MDB), Access 1.0 (MDB), CCI Assessment, dBase 5.0 (DBF), dBase IV (DBF), dBase III (DBF), FoxPro 3.0 (DBF), FoxPro 2.6 (DBF), FoxPro 2.5, FoxPro 2.0 (DBF), Excel 2000 (XLS), Excel 5.0-7.0 (XLS), Excel 4.0 (XLS), Excel 3.0 (XLS), Paradox 5.X (DB), Paradox 4.X (DB), Paradox 3.X (DB), ODBC, HTML (HTM), XML
Web Survey comes with its own analysis package, Quick StatsR. Quick Stats provides a detailed analysis of surveys and a complete grade report for tests.
** 感謝各級學校及政府機構對以上產品的一致好評.服務熱線 03-6582753 或產品專線 0928635898 林先生.